Saturday 13 June 2015

How to install Joomla

1. Upload the Joomla folder in httpdcos(window hosting)/public_html(linux hosting) folder through FTP.
2. Browse the website address like (
3. Select your language in the screen above, then press the 'Next' button in the upper right corner
4. Runs a series of system and server checks to ensure that Joomla will be able to install, and function correctly. The top section of items should all be green and 'Yes'. If any one of them is not (they'll be red and say "No") then you will need to take action to correct them.  The bottom section of items are not required, but are recommended to ensure that Joomla can operate smoothly.
5. Review the GNU license. This is the software license agreement for Joomla use, and simply requires you to press 'Next' in the top right corner after reviewing.
 6. Configure the database connection for Joomla. Here you will need to enter the Database type, Hostname, User name, Database name and the Database prefix for the MySQL database you have set up. If your settings are not correct, you might be unable to connect to the database. An additional option is to change the Table prefix. (Note: Joomla 2.5.x now offers a random default prefix) This may be helpful for security purposes.
 7. FTP Configuration. This step is unnecessary for most sites and its need is usually identified if you cannot upload media or images or install Extensions. The details can be added at a later time directly within the Global Configuration in the Joomla Administration pages.
 This step is not required on servers installed on a Windows operating system.
8. Site Configuration. Here you must add a Site Name, Admin User Name, Admin Password, and Admin e-mail address. If you are new to Joomla you should also CLICK Install the Sample Content, this will help with learning about Joomla.

9. Joomla is now installed! You must now remove the installation directory. This needs to be removed for security reasons to prevent anyone else from coming along and reinstalling Joomla over your existing site. Click the Remove Installation Directory button. 

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